Want To Submit Your Blog Content To The Leading Edge?
As you know, Mentorship has its privileges and we have an incredible opportunity available to our Mentorship members that will both allow you to add value to the world and help build your own platform at the same time.
Through the efforts of our President’s Advisory Council, we are bringing back the JMT Blog and it will be bigger and better than ever. We will be tapping into the entire John Maxwell social media stream and give YOU an opportunity to get your work out on a truly global level. We want YOUR thoughts on personal growth or leadership development as they relate to our monthly topics.
December – Family/Memories
January – Resolutions
February – Relationships
March – Importance of Continuous Training/Ongoing Motivation/Learning (Investing in Self)
April – Capacity/Limits
May – Public Speaking
June – Masterminds
July – Executive Coaching
August – Leadership Qualities
September – What IS Leadership?
October – Leading Teams
November – Leadership Skills
December – Motivational Speakers
Here Is What We Need:
Original unpublished work only please (that is, your article cannot have appeared anywhere else in print or online). Once your article is published with us, you are free to publish your article in the same form elsewhere.
If your article is accepted, a byline and a short bio (200 words or less) will also be posted telling the reader about you. You’ll reach tens of thousands of subscribers and many more like-minded friends on our social networks.
Please use the submission form at the bottom of this page to submit your content. Be sure to read and follow the instructions completely. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
IF you would like us to embed a short video (3 minutes or less) in your blog post, please email a download link to leadingedge@johnmaxwellteam.com and include VIDEO FOR [Title of Your Blog] in the subject line of the email.
Submission Guidelines:
• Personal growth or leadership development must tie into the topic
• New and original content only (Cannot be material recorded during a JMT event)
• Written articles or video submissions must be in English
• 800 words or less OR 3-minute video max
• Less than 10% of the article should be quoted material
Use www.Quetext.com to ensure originality of your article.
Submit your article for review no later than the 15th of the month for an article that will be published the next month. (ie., Submit your article no later than January 15th, if you would like to have your article considered for publication in February.)
Tips for a Successful Submission:
- Before you submit, do a search on our blog johnmaxwellteam.com/jmt-blog to gain an understanding of the types of articles we have published. We’re always looking for fresh, new takes on the fundamentals! Make sure that your article highlights something new regarding personal growth or leadership development.
- This is NOT an opportunity for autobiographical self-promotion. If the information offered in your article is helpful, readers will want to learn more about you. Please feel free to share your story, but ensure it adds value to the reader. Make sure it has substantial, practical, concrete applications that help the reader understand the message.
- DO NOT include your personal website in the body of the blog post or in your bio. We will add the submitted URL at the bottom of your bio.
- Less is more. Don’t teach every lesson you’ve ever learned in one article. Pick ONE thing and expand on that, it helps make it more memorable and easy to read. You only have 800 words!
- Make up a great title for your article. We want you to catch our eye!
- Those articles that score highest in each area of the rubric will receive the greatest opportunity for publication.
Rubric Scoring System:
Submit your best work. Each article is scored using the following scoring rubric.
- First review for deal breaker issues.
- Then review for the two categories (mechanics and content)
- Don’t forget to run the copy through the Quetext.com link above
Deal Breaker – Does it meet guideline submission requirements?
- 800 words or less (can also have 3-minute video)
- Submitted in English
- Original content
- Less than 10% quoted material
- No external links or references to external links
- No personal or business promotion
Mechanics – 4 points
1 point – Is it written to the right audience (new learners interested in leadership who might then desire to become JMT members)?
1 point – is it written well mechanically?
No spelling errors
Good grammar and punctuation
1 point – Does it have a natural flow vs choppy and/or fragmented?
Are paragraphs well written with 3-5 relating sentences?
Is there a natural flow where each paragraph covers one topic and then transitions well to the next paragraph, and then leads to a conclusion?
1 point – Was the article clear and concise?
Is there a key point for the reader to latch on to? (“Tell a Story, Make a Point” ring a bell?)
Does each paragraph add to the story vs. being redundant or wordy?
Content – 6 points
2 points – Did the article clearly relate to and give you better understanding of a distinct leadership or personal development principle?
2 point – Does the article engage the reader with a personal story?
1 point – Did you enjoy or were you drawn into what you were reading?
1 point – Did the article offer an application or growth opportunity? (Next Steps or a Call To Action)
You will be submitting ONE (1) Microsoft Word document in the form below. That word document MUST include:
PLEASE NOTE ==> The File Name of your Word Document should be your NAME (i.e. Mike Harbour)
The Title of your submission
A 200 word (or less) bio
A 300-800 word blog article (You are responsible for grammatical review)
A High Resolution Headshot in .jpg format (embed this in the word document)