Virtual Sales Bootcamp

Go to the Virtual Sales Bootcamp Cadre 6 Facebook group

Go to the Virtual Sales Bootcamp program


VSB Cadre #7: August 27 – November 21, 2016
Enlistment opens : Tuesday August 9
Enlistment closes: Tuesday August 23


To join the Virtual Sales Bootcamp:

    1. Request to join the VSB Facebook page for the current cadre during the registration period using the link above. (Note: once registration closes, no participants will be added to that cadre; you must then wait for the next opportunity.)
    2. After joining the Facebook group, find two participants with whom you have a good “fit”. (Note: it’s best to interview each other in advance to find a good partnership based on commitment levels and what you want to get from the VSB experience.) Form a triad: a team of 3 participants which will be your “squad”.
    3. Designate a squad member to initially set up the team within the program platform.
    4. That squad member will first go to (use link or the program button at the top of the page), register, and create a squad name. That person can then invite the other two members to register and join the squad, following the instructions provided during registration.
    5. The remaining two members use the link provided to the first member to register and join the squad automatically.
        That’s it! You’ll be ready to go. Additional instructions and updates are provided in the Facebook group and in the program, so check in on both frequently. See additional general program information below.


Virtual Sales Bootcamp – Ed DeCosta

The VIRTUAL SALES BOOTCAMP (“VSB”) is available to all members of the JMT Mentorship Program. Mentorship has its privileges.

The VSB is an action-oriented series of videos for members of the John Maxwell Team who desire to jump start their sales efforts. The program consists of 12 videos and accompanying worksheets. Each set, meaning worksheet and video, is self-sufficient. There is no live call to accompany these teachings. The lessons are released weekly. Audio downloads of the video content are available.

A vital element of the VSB is the Accountability Partnership. While it is theoretically possible for you to go through the materials on your own and achieve some level of success, working with your team will lead to better results. Your experience will be greatly improved if you go through the program with accountability partners. Accountability Partnership is a very important element of the overall John Maxwell Team experience. The VSB is no different in this regard. Having an Accountability Partner team – your “squad” in the VSB – gives you someone to speak with about your learning, to support you when you are challenged, and to congratulate you when you achieve results.… It also gives you the wonderful opportunity to provide these valuable services to others!


        • Enlist in the VSB using your Facebook profile.
        • Form your team (squad) of three people. One of you should create (and name) the team within the tool, then you can invite the other two to join the team.
        • The responsibility to form your squad is yours. We will provide as much assistance as we can to support you, but we ask you to take initiative and responsibility right from the start.
        • Our strong suggestion is that you schedule two weekly sessions with your squad, preferably prior to the program’s first week.
        • Once the program begins, you and your squad should perform the following actions each week:
        1. First: Watch the video and review the worksheet.
        2. Second: Conduct a review of the material with your squad and set your intentions for applying the material to your business. What does this mean? You make a commitment to take action and share that commitment with your squad! Intention without action, leaves the question of: Why you are taking the program in the first place? We highly suggest you conduct this first squad meeting early in the week, Monday or Tuesday).
        3. Third: Act on the commitments you made!

While the majority of the lessons require long-term actions that cannot be completed in just a few days, it is important that you get started quickly. Nothing builds upon your momentum and sense of progress like taking massive action.

        1. Fourth: Conduct a second squad meeting.
          We suggest this meeting takes place towards the end of the week (Thursday, Friday, or even Saturday). The purpose of this call is to report the actions you have taken and to share your results. We cannot overemphasize the importance of practicing your sales techniques and other role-playing exercises with your squad.

            • We suggest you create an account, if you haven’t done so already, on so your calls can be recorded and reviewed again and again.
            • There will be four group calls throughout the program (schedule will be posted inside the program tool. These calls will be recorded and posted. Although these calls will undoubtedly be helpful to some participants in the VSB, they are not nearly as important as the videos, worksheets, and squads. Not even close.
            • To help you track your progress, remain focused and committed, and enjoy a friendly competition with your fellow recruits, you will have the opportunity to earn points for completing certain actions during the program. Simply record your accomplishments within the program tool to earn individual points. Individual points will be combined with your squad members to form a squad score. A group of squads will form a platoon and receive a combined score. While you truly are only in competition with yourself, we hope this element encourages you to keep pushing, do your best, and contribute to your team’s score to have a little fun along the way.
            • The job is yours to do. You must do the work. No one else can or will do it for you. Own your actions, own your results!

Move out!